
Food Politics – A Deep Dive with Marion Nestle ( part 1)

Welcome to the Sicilian Secret Diet Plan Podcast! Here, husband-and-wife duo Dr. Sandra Cammarata and Dr. Giovanni Campanile guide you on a culinary journey like no other. Sandra, a psychiatrist born and raised in Sicily, and Giovanni, a cardiologist, have crafted this podcast—and an accompanying book—to share the delicious and healthful secrets of the Sicilian Mediterranean diet. Their mission? To help you live longer, better, and with a zest for life that’s simply irresistible. Their motto says it all: “Be well, deliciously

A Star-Studded Episode with Marion Nestle

Today’s episode is a real treat. We’re thrilled to welcome Marion Nestle to the show. Marion’s bio is a story in itself—a consumer advocate, nutritionist, award-winning author, and academic heavyweight. She’s made it her life’s work to explore the politics of food and dietary choice, diving into how scientific, economic, and social forces shape our eating habits. Her research particularly shines a light on the often-shadowy marketing strategies of the food industry.

Marion Nestle’s Remarkable Accomplishments

Marion has written extensively on how politics influences everything from food production to our dietary choices, food safety, and even the health of our planet. Her landmark book, Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health, is a must-read and has garnered numerous awards, including from the Association of American Publishers, the James Beard Foundation, and World Hunger Year.

Her follow-up, Safe Food: The Politics of Food Safety, snagged the Steinhardt School of Education Griffiths Research Award in 2004. But she didn’t stop there. Marion’s bibliography is a treasure trove of insights, including titles like What to Eat?, Pet Food Politics: The Chihuahua in the Coal Mine, Feed Your Pet Right, and Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics—all of which have earned multiple accolades.

Marion’s Recent Contributions to Food Politics

In 2012, Marion’s Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics was named Book of the Year by the International Association of Culinary Professionals. Two years later, her illustrated guide Eat, Drink, and Vote snagged an AIACP Book Award, followed by another for Soda Politics: Taking On Big Soda and Winning. In 2018, she exposed how the food industry manipulates scientific research in Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat, which made Nature’s list of best science books of the year.

Marion continued to make waves with Let’s Ask Marian: What You Need to Know About the Politics of Food, Nutrition, and Health in 2020, and her latest work, Slow Cooked: An Unexpected Life in Food Politics, hit the shelves in October 2022.

Marion Nestle’s Impressive Background

Marion is the Paulette Goddard Professor Emerita in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University. She also holds a visiting professorship in the Cornell Division of Nutritional Sciences. With a PhD in Molecular Biology and an MPH in Public Health Nutrition from the University of California, Berkeley, she’s got the academic chops to back up her formidable influence.

Marion’s expertise has landed her in numerous documentaries, including Super Size Me, A Place at the Table, Fed Up, El Susto, and Code Blue.

Diving into Food Politics with Marion

We can’t wait to dive into this conversation with Marion Nestle. Her journey is nothing short of inspiring, and it perfectly aligns with our podcast’s mission to explore how food choices are influenced by marketing and politics. We’ll be delving into her books Food Politics and Slow Cooked, discussing the insidious ways food is advertised, and examining the “pester factor” that targets children. Plus, we’ll chat about Soda Politics and its eye-opening insights into the beverage industry.

Stay tuned as we uncover the hidden truths of the food industry with one of its most formidable critics. Marion Nestle’s insights promise to be enlightening and empowering, offering us all a chance to be more informed consumers and advocates for better food policies.

So grab a cup of your favorite Sicilian coffee, sit back, and let’s get started. This episode is going to be a game-changer!